Native Plants Are Part of a Healthy Ecosystem

Native plants are an essential part of a healthy environment, having co-evolved to support insects, birds and other wildlife that form the web of our natural world. Do you feel inspired to plant more?

Summer at the Arlington Central Library, home of one of ARMN’s three native plant demonstration gardens /Todd Minners photo

ARMN volunteers maintain three native plant demonstration gardens to show what a native garden can look like. Visitors who stop for a moment will also get to observe the many pollinators that native blooms can attract. Butterflies, bumble bees, caterpillars, and hummingbirds are often busy at work.

For more information on each garden, check on the web pages below:

More Information on Plants Native to Our Area

The Plant NOVA Natives website provides compelling reasons to plant natives, a guide to key local ecotypes, and locations where you can buy native plants, including seasonal plant sales.