Meet Virginia’s Three Venomous Snakes, and a Common One That’s Harmless

By Colleen O’Hara  
Photos by John White/Virginia Herpetological Society

Snakes love summer’s heat, so you’re more likely to spot them these days while out on a hike or even in your yard. But don’t worry: There’s typically nothing to fear from these encounters.

Of the 34 snake species and subspecies in Virginia, nearly all are harmless to humans. This includes the intimidating yet nonvenomous Eastern Ratsnake (Pantherophis obsoletus) (formerly known as the Black Ratsnake), which can grow up to six feet, making it the longest snake in Virginia. It’s one of the most common snakes in our area.

Only three of Virginia’s snakes are venomous: the Eastern Copperhead, the Northern Cottonmouth, and the Timber Rattlesnake.  Here’s what you need to know about them:

Eastern Copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix)
Eastern Copperhead photo by John White/Virginia Herpetological Society

The only venomous snake you’re likely to encounter in the Arlington area is the copperhead. This snake is one of the most widespread snake species in Virginia and can be found throughout the state in forests and upland rocky areas, alongside streams, in rock walls and wood stacks, and other locations.  

The best way to identify a copperhead is by the dark bands across its back that look like two Hershey kisses touching, or an hourglass. They also have vertical pupils (if you happen to be that close to one to see) and a triangular head. Baby copperheads have a yellowish tail, but this goes away as they mature. A common perception is that baby copperheads are more venomous than adult copperheads, but they are not, according to Dr. Arianna Kuhn, Assistant Curator of Herpetology at the Virginia Museum of Natural History.  

In fact, snakes typically only use their venom when they are targeting a food source, she said during a recent webinar on Virginia’s snakes. It’s in their best interest to warn something away or slither off rather than to engage. “There are more opportunities (for the snake) to become injured if it interacts or engages with the prey or predator,” Kuhn said.  

If you want to protect yourself from copperheads and discourage them from your yard, the Virginia Herpetological Society has some suggestions: Keep vegetation trimmed, move piles of brush and leaves away from walkways and play areas, remove spilled bird seed that attracts rodents (a favorite food of copperheads), and wear heavy gloves if you are working with stacks of firewood.

Another good idea to avoid any snake, especially if you’re working in garden beds or hiking in vegetative areas, is to shuffle your feet so you don’t accidentally step on a snake. They will generally want to get out of your way rather than interact with you.   See more about safety around copperheads at the VHS website.

Northern Cottonmouth (Agkistrodon piscivorus)
Northern Cottonmouth photo by John White/Virginia Herpetological Society

You’re not likely to encounter a venomous cottonmouth unless you live in the southeastern part of Virginia. However, they are often confused for harmless Northern Water Snakes (Nerodia sipedon sipedon) that are frequently found in the rivers and streams of Northern Virginia, and throughout the state.  

Cottonmouths are semiaquatic, found in swamps, marshes, streams and rivers, and like to bask on the shoreline close to wet areas. They are sometimes referred to as Water Moccasins.  Generally, cottonmouths are scared of people, Kuhn said, and it’s hard to get close to one, even to snap a picture. If you happen to irritate one, though, you might see it tilt its head back and open its mouth wide to scare you off. This is a behavior a water snake would never do, she said.

Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus)
Photo of Timber Rattlesnake by John White/Virginia Herpetological Society

The third venomous species in Virginia is the Timber Rattlesnake, which is endangered. They are found in southeastern Virginia, and also in the mountainous part of the state, but their range is fragmented, and their habitat is shrinking, Kuhn said. They prefer upland forests with ledges facing south in the spring and fall, and open woods and grass fields in the summertime.  

The telltale rattle at the end of their tail starts out as a button, and then grows over time. (Contrary to popular belief, though, the length of the rattle does not indicate the age of the snake.) These snakes use their rattle to warn potential predators and also to distract prey. Timber Rattlesnakes prefer to eat mammals, but will also eat birds and frogs, according to the Virginia Herpetological Society.  

Snakes are beneficial and probably won’t hurt you

Snakes often get a bad rap, but they are important to the ecosystem, Kuhn said. They help keep the rodent population in check and are food for larger predators. You’re more likely to get struck by lightning than die of a snake bite. In fact, only about five people die each year in the U.S. from a snake bite. The best way to not get bitten by a snake, she said, is to not handle one.

How well do you know Virginia snakes? Take the VHS quiz.

Global snake trivia: The longest snake in the world is the reticulated python, native to South and Southeast Asia. It can grow up to 32 feet and weigh up to 170 pounds. Meanwhile, weighing in at 550 pounds, the Green Anaconda, native to South America, is the heaviest snake in the world.   

For more on snakes and other reptiles and amphibians, check out the Virginia Herpetological Society and Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation.

Volunteers Share the Joy of Local Nature at the Four Mile Run Farmers and Artisans Market

By Eric Weyer

It is tempting to think of nature as something that exists only in wild, untouched places: the forests of the Blue Ridge Mountains, the salt marshes of the Eastern Shore, or the flood-swept islands of the Potomac. But the wondrous beauty of nature can be found even in the most developed of places.

Helping people see, treasure, and protect the natural world around them is the core mission behind the “Pop-Up Nature Centers,” hosted by the Arlington Regional Master Naturalists (ARMN) and the Four Mile Run Conservatory Foundation at the Four Mile Run Farmers and Artisans Market.

A market visitor stops to chat with Eric Weyer and take in exhibits on local nature at the pop-up nature center. Photo by Kurt Moser.

These (mostly) monthly events, held by Kurt Moser, Laura Bachle, Ruth Lane, Molly Tepper, and myself (Eric Weyer), have explored a variety of environmental topics relevant to the specific environment of Lower Four Mile Run.

Our latest event featured the turtles of Lower Four Mile Run. Visitors were attracted to turtle carapaces (the top of the turtle’s shell) and plastrons (the bottom of the turtle’s shell), the eggs of snapping turtles, and stuffed toy turtles of various species.

Topics covered at the Pop-Up Nature Centers have included “Pollinators,” “Geology,” “Social Insects,” “Winter Weather,” and “Birds.” Each event features displays and activities for visitors of all ages. Highlights of previous events include making real-feeling snow from baking soda and shaving cream, simulating the flow of water and the impact of pollution in the Four Mile Run watershed using an Enviroscape® model, and showing visitors what different types of pollen look like under a powerful microscope.

Once visitors were drawn in, Laura, Molly, and I used the displays to talk about the ecology of turtles, helped by Alonso Abugattas’ wonderful book, The Reptiles and Amphibians of the Washington DC Metro Area. Some were fascinated to learn that turtle shells are made of keratin—the same material that makes up fingernails.

Others were amazed to learn that the sex of a turtle is determined by the temperature of the turtle nest. Often, conversations revolved around turtles that visitors had seen in their backyards or in different parks around the area.

Visitors with kids were especially drawn to the different stuffed toy turtles. One child, the son of a market vendor, peppered me with questions about these turtle species. “What does a turtle’s skeleton look like?”, “How does the turtle eat its food?”, and the ever-popular “How do turtles poop?”

A hands-on turtle display includes stuffed toyes, a classic book, facts on turtles and a chance to make your own paper turtle. Photo by Eric Weyer.

After examining the stuffed turtles, many kids chose to join Molly and make a turtle of their own out of paper cutouts and egg cartons. They then had the chance to color their turtle as they saw fit.

At the end of their visit, whether short or long, visitors leave the center with smiles on their faces and a new sense of appreciation for nature in their own communities.

About the Four Mile Run Conservatory Foundation

The Four Mile Run Conservatory Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization that envisions the lower Four Mile Run as a cherished community resource and a model for natural lands stewardship in an urban setting. Its mission is to promote nature, culture, and community at the lower Four Mile Run through restoration, advocacy, recreation, and education.

Wasps and Beetles and Flies (Oh My!): They’re Pollinators and Much More

Text by Becky Hamm; images by Kent Anderson (aka “surfman”) in his iNaturalist entries, except as noted. 

Ah, summer: Warm breezes, colorful flowers, and lots of pollinating butterflies, bees, and … beetles? Oh yes, and flies and wasps too.

While they might be overshadowed by pollinating insects that are cuter and more colorful, these less popular insects are also crucially important to the success of our food web.

These three types of winged insects are not what most people—including me!—think of when they consider “important” insects, but I was surprised to learn of their pollination, predation, and decomposition functions that enable us to have a balanced ecological system.

Non-bee pollinators are critical for pollinating much of the world’s agricultural crops. In fact, certain flies are starting to be bred specifically for the task since they are easier to raise than bees. Wasps are excellent predators of pest species, and beetles aid in decomposition of dead animals and plants. It is tempting to silo these insects into a single function, but many perform multiple tasks well, making them workhorses of the insect world. With the planet’s insect population in decline, we need to raise awareness of their importance.


So formidable, there’s an NBA basketball team named after them (Charlotte Hornets), wasps are much feared in our culture. However, understanding their behavior may help you better understand their place in your yard.

Wasps are in the family Hymenoptera—cousins to bees and ants. Some wasps are eusocial, meaning they live together in a nest, typically with a queen. This includes species common in Virginia like the yellow jacket (Vespula spp.) and the paper wasp (Polistes spp.). These types of wasps are known to be aggressive but will leave you alone if unprovoked, so don’t swat at them! To discourage yellow jackets, make sure all trash is sealed off, especially fruit, sodas, and other sweets, as they are attracted to those food sources. (Yellow jackets are sometimes confused with honeybees. Here’s a guide to learn the difference.)  

Wasps play an important role in our food web. And despite their bad rap, only 1.5% of wasp species are likely to sting people if provoked.

Most wasp species are solitary. Common solitary wasps in Virginia, like the scary-looking Ichneumonid (parasitic) wasp, pose no actual threat to humans or pets because they do not sting. Others, like the yellow-legged mud-dauber (Sceliphron caementarium) wasp that built a nest near my back door this summer, only sting if provoked.

Many people also assume that wasps are carnivores. However, it is more accurate to say that wasp larvae are carnivorous while adult wasps are herbivores, feeding primarily on nectar.

Wasps are known to visit between 20% and 25% of the world’s crops, making them important pollinators in agriculture. Some of their favorite native plants locally are goldenrod, mountain mint, and buttonbush.

However, wasps really shine when viewed as natural pest control, via predation and parasitism. Commonly seen in Virginia, the parasitoid braconid wasp, Cotesia congregates will lay eggs in the skin of the tomato hornworm. The hornworm is then rather gruesomely eaten from the inside out. The diminutive Aphidiinae are a subfamily of parasitic wasps that lays eggs on or near aphids, so their larvae have a ready-made meal next to them when they hatch.

As predators, wasps help to control aphids, grasshoppers, beetles, caterpillars, and flies. For example, the Hidalgo Mason Wasp (Euodynerus hidalgo), Blue-winged Scoliid Wasp (Scolia dubia), and yellow jacket will paralyze their prey and bring them back to their nest for their larvae to eat.


Beetles are the most diverse group of any living animal; there are nearly 30,000 species in North America alone. Beetles are distinguishable from other insects due to their hard outer forewings that protect a set of inner wings that are used in flight. While some beetles, especially those that are from other countries, are seen as pests both in the garden and agriculturally, many beetles serve ecological functions such as pollination, predation, and decomposition.

American Carrion Beetle (Necrophila americana) (CC-BY-NC).

If you have a compost pile, there is a good chance a species of beetle may be helping your table scraps decompose. Beetles such as the American Carrion Beetle (Necrophila americana) eat decaying plants and deceased animals, providing a miniature “trash removal” service for us.

Beetles were the first ever pollinators, starting to visit flowers in the Jurassic period. “Beetles are still the primary movers of pollen for numerous plant families, especially primitive ones like magnolias”, said Alonso Abugattas on his Capital Naturalist blog. In our area, they will feed on pollen and nectar from plants such as spicebush (Lindera spp.), yarrow (Achillea spp.), and sunflower (Helianthus spp.).

One beetle everyone likes is the firefly (Photuris spp.). Widely miscategorized as flies, fireflies are in the Lampyridae family of beetles. They are best known for their bioluminescence, though not all adults can produce light. They are also predators of snails, slugs, worms, or other insect larvae, and some adults eat pollen and nectar.


Photo of a golden-backed snipe fly on a leaf. The fly has a gold colored
Golden-backed Snipe Fly (Chrysopilus thoracicus). Photo by Steve Young.

There’s a world of flies beyond the common and annoying house fly or fruit fly. In fact, there are over 85,000 species in the order Diptera, including some remarkable beauties. Take a look at the Golden-backed Snipe Fly (Chrysopilus thoracicus), a stand-out that can be spotted on understory leaves locally in spring. 

Believe it or not, we would be in trouble without flies: they are the second most common pollinator behind bees, even more helpful in crop pollination than butterflies!

Hoverflies (in the family Syrphidae, also known as Syrphid flies or flower flies) and metallic-colored blow flies (Calliphoridae family) are the “powerhouse” pollinators. Hoverflies are best known as bee mimics, usually sporting stripes that belie their inability to sting. Hoverflies are also capable of flying huge distances and some species are migratory, giving them the ability to spread pollen much further than most bees. They are known to lay their eggs near aphid infestations; they are tasty morsels for the larvae, which can eat up to 400 aphids before pupating.

Key players in a balanced ecosystem

To keep them around, try planting natives and avoid using pesticide sprays that will kill wasps, beetles, and flies along with mosquitoes. While you may also be trying to target aphids or pesky slugs, other beneficial insects are greatly affected by these chemicals. Also, consider letting leaves decompose naturally in beds and create a brush or dead wood pile, since many beetles, including fireflies, pupate in leaf litter while wasps use stems and wood to make their nests. 

While they may never be cherished like butterflies or revered like bees, wasps, beetles, and flies play a key role in the ecosystem. Accepting and even celebrating their role in nature can help lead to a healthier world for all of us.

ARMN and the Alexandria Library System Enjoy a Tidy Collaboration at Four Mile Run Park

Text and photos by Susan Berry, except as noted.

On Saturday June 3, 2023, ARMN co-hosted a successful tour and clean-up of Four Mile Run Park in Alexandria. This was the second time in 2023 that ARMN partnered with the Alexandria Library system to host a nature-based event. And we’re confident there will be opportunities for many more partnerships in the future.  

Our tour leader for the June 3 event was Kurt Moser from the Four Mile Run Conservatory Foundation. This organization envisions the lower Four Mile Run as a cherished community resource and a model for natural lands stewardship in an urban setting. Its mission is to promote nature, culture, and community at the lower Four Mile Run through restoration, advocacy, recreation, and education. This was the second time that ARMN members participated in an event here. In the summer of 2022, ARMN held a chapter meeting at the site.

At the current event, Kurt led 20 participants on a tour of the park, ending near Mount Vernon Avenue in the Arlandria neighborhood. There, Kurt opened his storage shed and brought out equipment for participants to use in cleaning up the park.  

A highlight of the Four Mile Run Park event was the attendance of many members of Our Stomping Ground. This is a local nonprofit group of adults with various developmental disabilities, and their parents, and friends. Our Stomping Ground seeks to redefine the possibilities for developmentally disabled adults, ensuring that they have the opportunity to live independent lives in integrated, supportive communities. They participate and/or sponsor numerous events throughout the year, including nature walks and clean-ups, book club meetings, and other outings. The opportunity to engage with Our Stomping Ground members at Four Mile Run Park is a reminder of the wide variety of audiences with which we can interact. 

The ARMN partnership with the Alexandria Libraries (Ellen Coolidge Burke Branch and Barrett Branch) was created this year to help ARMN connect with citizens living in the Alexandria part of our region. Although the Burke and Barrett branches were already hosting their own neighborhood trash clean-ups, it was great for ARMN members to participate in this effort. 

In March, the partnership had a kick-off event when ARMN member Kasha Helget, gave a Mosquitoes and Tick Management talk virtually through Alexandria’s Barrett Branch Library. 

The Four Mile Run Tour and Clean-Up was the first “in person” partnership event. A third program, already scheduled for the fall, is an ARMN/Barrett Branch presentation by Elaine Mills, who will speak about native plants for apartment and condominium residents. This topic was selected because ARMN has received an extensive amount of feedback at public events from residents who don’t have yards for planting but instead live in smaller shared spaces. Elaine’s presentation will be virtual and will take place on Wednesday, September 6. Registration will be available later this summer on the Alexandria Library website. In the meantime, check out other Alexandria Library events here.

Stream Monitoring Volunteers Track the Health of Arlington’s Streams

Text by Shay Pratt; photos by Colleen O’Hara

How can you tell if a stream is healthy? One of the best ways is to look at the tiny organisms that live in it. The flies, larvae, and worms found there can tell the story of a stream’s overall health, if you know how to read them.

Many types of spineless underwater organisms, known as benthic macroinvertebrates, live in the silt and pebbles of a Virginia stream bottom. Arlington County has an illustrated guide to about 20 of them found locally (adapted from the Izaak Walton League’s Virginia Save Our Streams site.)

Some are hardier than others when it comes to tolerating pollution, heavy stormwater, heat and other pressures. For example, flatworms and black flies are tougher than mayflies and caddisflies. So, you could expect to find flatworms just about anywhere you look, even in streams that aren’t very healthy, because they can tolerate tough conditions. In contrast, when you find a casemaker caddisfly, you know the stream quality must be pretty high.

By tracking the stream bug populations across time, Arlington County staff can assess the effectiveness of pollution prevention practices and identify new problems. That’s why the County’s Department of Environmental Services coordinates regular stream monitoring at 10 stream sites, including Donaldson Run, Gulf Branch, and multiple sections of Four Mile Run,  with the assistance of ARMN volunteers who are trained to methodically collect and analyze macroinvertebrates. 

Macroinvertebrates make for ideal test subjects because they don’t move much and they’re readily found under rocks and stones. They can be scooped up with nets, identified with magnification devices like loupes, and returned to the water. 

I learned all this one day in May, when I met other ARMN members at a picnic pavilion at Lubber Run park to collect and analyze samples. We split into teams of two to collect samples at designated spots along the stream, targeting shallow, rocky areas with fast-moving, oxygen-rich water—great habitat for macroinvertebrates. 

Two people stand in a stream in rubber boots. One person holds a net on a wooden pole while a sceond bends over and holds a rock in her hands.
Volunteers collecting mcroinvertebrate samples at Gulf Branch stream monitoring (analogous to the collections at Lubber Run).

My partner, Hutch Brown, a long-time volunteer who helps lead this monitoring group, dipped a long-handled net  into the stream. I stood just upstream, picked up a few stones and pebbles from below the water, and gently rubbed them on all sides, loosening debris and any bugs that were living there. They floated down the water and into Hutch’s waiting net. I then scraped the silty floor with a tool shaped like a garden fork to release any macroinvertebrates living there. We carefully rinsed the contents of the net into a white plastic tub, then set off to repeat the process until our group sampled 10 total locations. 

When all ten samples were collected, it was time to identify our findings. We carried our tub over to a picnic table strewn with sampling tools, ice cube trays, petri dishes, and microscopes. Using a shallow, white tray, I collected a sample of water from the collection tub and scanned its contents. 

A table covered with ice cube trays, identification sheets, and
Identification sheets and analysis forms used to document collection results.

Within seconds, I saw movement. A faint yellow, hair-like organism only a few millimeters long twitched and spasmed. Elsewhere, a dark shape contracted and elongated on top of a water-logged maple leaf. I scooped up each critter with a pipette and plastic spoon, and transferred it to its own well in an ice cube tray. Using a loupe and a macroinvertebrate guide, I worked with the trained identifiers in our group to identify each one. Meanwhile, Stephanie Martin, another team leader, documented everything for the County.

Macroinvertebrates are easy to identify with basic magnification and practice. Most stream bugs have telltale physical characteristics. Mayflies exhibit 2-3 hair-like tails. Flatworms have triangular heads and a pronounced, cross-eyed look. Black flies look like mini-bowling pins, with a sucker on one end that they use to attach to surfaces. Our group made quick work identifying over 100 organisms. 

In our survey of Lubber Run, we found mostly organisms that can tolerate poor to fair conditions—flatworms, black flies, a few aquatic worms, and lots and lots of midges. We also found some small minnow mayflies, which are much less tolerant of pollution, and indicate good riffle habitat found in the monitoring reach. These results confirmed that Lubber Run, like many of Arlington’s streams, is overall in fair condition. 

Of all of Arlington’s stream monitoring sites, Lubber Run’s watershed has the most hard surfaces, with about half of its land covered with roads, roofs, parking lots, and other impervious surfaces. When a stream’s drainage area is more than 10% impervious cover, it is considered to be impacted as an urban stream. Arlington’s streams reached that development milestone decades ago, as land that once absorbed rainwater was developed. Over 40 percent of Arlington land is impervious to water, so the streams channel a lot of water after storms. That stormwater scours out the homes of many invertebrates and often carries pollution and sediment that impact habitat. 

There are no easy fixes for these problems, but Arlington County is paying attention to the health of its streams—working to install Green Street rain gardens to capture rain runoff, reduce stream erosion, and educate the community about how we can all help prevent stream pollution. Data collected by volunteer stream monitors can make the case for intervention and track changes over time. 

Lily Whitesell, who coordinates stream monitoring as Arlington County’s Stormwater Outreach Specialist, said the ongoing work has documented seasonal patterns (life cycles of the macro invertebrates) and patterns of disturbance and recovery. Longer term trends have been stable over time.

“We want to help our streams be as healthy as they can be, given our urban watersheds,” Whitesell said. “It’s good for our benthic macroinvertebrates, for the fish that rely on them, for the overall diversity of our local aquatic and terrestrial ecological communities, for the people that enjoy, appreciate, and rely on our streams, the Potomac River, and Chesapeake Bay.”

For more information:

Teaching Children About Nature Through the Magic of a Loupe

Text and photos by Eric Weyer

Nature is a never-ending source of wonder, offering an abundance of intricate details, some so tiny they can barely be seen with the naked eye. That makes “loupes” (or hand lenses) one of the most important tools in any naturalist’s arsenal. 

During a recent training exercise for ARMN volunteers learning to teach young people about nature, I also saw what a powerful tool a loupe can be in a child’s hand.

A loupe is essentially a super magnifying glass that allows users to see small details up close and personal. Before I became a member of the Arlington Regional Master Naturalists in 2021, I didn’t know what a loupe was. 

Photo of a loupe
Loupe (hand lens).

My first use of loupes was practical. As a volunteer stream monitor for Arlington County, I used them to identify the macroinvertebrates that live in our streams. Telling the difference between broad-winged and narrow-winged damselfly larvae is tricky without magnification. 

However, it wasn’t until early April, during a training with Bobbi Farley and Serenella Linares, that I truly learned what a world of wonder loupes can open.

The goal was to teach volunteers with an ARMN after-school program called “Nature Core Outdoors” some tips and tricks for interpreting nature to children. Nature Core is a partnership between ARMN and the Arlington Housing Corporation (AHC Inc.) that aims to introduce elementary-age residents in AHC’s after-school program to nature. The program is led by Alison Sheahan and Romana Campos, and includes volunteers from ARMN and other local nature groups including Virginia’s Extension Master Gardeners and Tree Stewards of Arlington and Alexandria.

Volunteers commit to teaching six weekly one-hour after-school sessions, with the goal of sparking joy and wonder in the children for the nature living in their own backyard.

Bobbi, a naturalist at Long Branch Nature Center in Arlington, kicked off the session by describing an insect lesson she teaches to kids. She stopped throughout to explain techniques she uses to keep the children’s attention, such as call-and-response shouts or claps. She showed how to engage children with different learning styles by varying her questioning techniques—asking for a shout or a raised hand or directing a question to a specific person. And she shared some silly, interesting facts. (I believe poop came up at least once.) 

Serenella, a Park Naturalist at Mt. Rainier Nature Center in Maryland, then took us outside for another example lesson. She gave us a set of loupes and told us we had five minutes to find something interesting to discuss with the group. 

Being an enterprising fellow, I took out my phone and snapped a few pictures of a beetle crawling on an American Hornbeam (Carpinus carolinia) leaf. Others wandered around the area outside the nature center, looking at flowers, leaves, even the lichens growing on a branch by the trail.

After five minutes were up, I was the first to show my photo to the group. Everybody oohed and ahhed when they noticed the little bits of pollen stuck to the beetle’s elytra (forewings) and legs, an example of pollination up close! We shared a few other findings, then reluctantly returned our loupes to Serenella and headed back inside, where she used this experience to teach us some more child-focused interpretation and group management techniques.

I was inspired by Serenella’s lesson. If this activity evoked such joy in us adults, I could only imagine the wonder it would create with our group of around 20 eager-to-learn 8-to-10-year-olds at the Woodbury Park Apartments in Arlington.

In our first lesson with them, we had spent a long time looking at seeds with only our eyes. I knew how amazing those seeds would look under 30x magnification!

At the next class, I showed up with 32 loupes I had purchased online. From the moment I told the students, “You can look through these at small things like the seeds we observed last week,” they started running off in search of cool things to look at. They were so entranced that I, along with the other Woodbury Park volunteers Barbara Raizen, Eileen Miller, and Liz Macklin, decided to forget about our planned lesson and join them.

We spent about 15 minutes marveling at how different all the little things we see in everyday life look when blown up. The first thing we studied was a dandelion, noticing how its deep yellow bracts looked like those on other flowers nearby. Then we looked at some leaf galls. We decided that the teardrop-shaped green and purple galls were “nature’s Hershey Kisses.” The others we couldn’t quite agree on names for—alien spaceships and Alice in Wonderland were the top votes.

Later we gave up our loupes for our final event, a bird scavenger hunt. Liz highlighted some common birds in the area and we split into small groups to start our search, stopping every fifteen seconds or so to observe something new. Whether a bird or a bug, it was always a perfect thing to look at with our loupes. We even found a skull that we were able to identify as a rabbit’s skull.

At the end of the lesson, we could see the excitement in the children’s faces as they talked about everything they had discovered. Seeing their enthusiasm made us all feel like we had accomplished something meaningful, thanks to fabulous leaders and teachers—and a few dozen loupes. 

Photo of a drawing done by a child.
Child’s drawing of a loupe and the wonders that can be viewed through it.

The Call of the Wild—Knowing When an Animal Needs Our Help  

By Colleen O’Hara

This is the time of year when baby animals make their entrance into the world, and often times, into our hearts. Who can resist a fluffy baby bunny? Or a sweet, speckled fawn?  Very often we see baby animals on their own in the wild and wonder: Does it need help? Should I intervene? Or perhaps you’ve come across an injured animal.  What should I do and who should I call?

In Northern Virginia, there are two main resources to turn to for help and advice when dealing with wild animals. 

The all-volunteer Wildlife Rescue League receives on average 3,000 calls to its wildlife assistance helpline (703-440-0800) every year. The non-profit supports a network of licensed wildlife rehabilitators in Northern Virginia who help and care for hundreds of animals that they receive every year.

The Animal Welfare League of Arlington is part of the County’s Animal Control Department (703-931-9241). It responded to over 4,000 calls last year regarding pets and wildlife, including sick and injured animals. Over 1,000 animals went through its Wildlife Resource Center, which assesses injured, orphaned, or sick wildlife and transfers them to licensed rehabbers. 

When Should You Intervene?

Sometimes it’s obvious when an animal needs our help, and sometimes it is not. 

According to the Wildlife Rescue League, an animal needs help if it shows signs of flies, maggots, or worms, was caught by a dog, cat, or other animal, has a wound, is a baby and its parents are dead or separated and cannot be reunited, has suffered trauma such as being hit by a car or fallen from a high nest, is very cold and weak, is unable to move, or is not fully feathered or furred. 

However, in some cases, well-meaning citizens think an animal needs assistance, when it actually doesn’t, said Carolyn Wilder, the Wildlife Rescue League’s Chair of the Rehabilitator Committee, and Co-Chair of the Education Committee. For instance, baby cottontails and fawns are typically left unattended for most of the day by their parents, and fully-feathered baby birds on the ground are fledglings and are fine on their own.

“They do not need our help,” Wilder said. “They are learning to fly and they will continue to be fed by mom and dad.” Sometimes a fledgling will lean on one wing and it appears as if it is injured, but it is actually using it as a “training wheel”, she said. 

Raptors are an exception, however. A juvenile eagle or owlet that is on the ground and unable to get back to a tree, will need rescuing because their parents will not feed them if they are on the ground. Most raptors are transferred to Blue Ridge Wildlife Center for rehabilitation, Wilder said. 

Other Guidelines and Tips  

If you find an injured bird, or you witness a bird striking a window, place it in a box in a quiet location and call for advice. Do not give it any food or water unless a rehabber tells you to. Typically, a bird does not survive a window strike, even if sent to a rehabber, Wilder said. 

Photo of a baby robin in a garden planter.
Robin photo by Josie Weiss on

If a baby bird falls out of a nest, try to return it to the nest or make a nest out of a small plastic bowl and place it high up on the tree. The bird will not be rejected by the parents just because it has been touched. A bird egg on the ground cannot be saved, however. 

Photo of a baby racoon.
Raccoon photo by Thomas Dils on

If a baby squirrel falls out of the nest, keep it warm in a box lined with a towel or heated rice sock, and play baby squirrel sounds on your phone (you can find this online). The mother will typically come down, retrieve the baby and return it to the nest. Raccoon babies that have fallen out of the nest will usually be rescued by the mother at night. It’s a good idea to put it in a box near where it was found, such as the base of a tree. 

If you see a fox kit during the day, they are often just playing and exploring, while adult foxes are often looking for food or a new den. If a kit becomes separated from the adult, the adult will return to get it if it does not have a human scent on it, according to the Wildlife Rescue League. If the kit has been alone for two hours, then it’s time to call for help. 

If you happen to find a baby opossum on the ground, it’s time to call a rehabber whether it is injured or not. The mother opossum carries her babies on her back once they emerge from the pouch. She is transient, so if a baby falls off en route and she doesn’t notice, the baby can’t survive on its own. 

If you come across a baby turtle, leave it alone. When turtles fully hatch, they are able to survive on their own. However, if you find a turtle that is in a precarious location such as in the middle of a road, move the turtle to a safe spot in the direction it was headed. 

Legal Dos and Don’ts

In Virginia, it is illegal to take, possess, buy, sell, or liberate wildlife, or destroy bird nests that have eggs in them, with the exception of English sparrows (aka house sparrows), starlings and pigeons, which are considered non-native invasives. Rehabbers do not treat these birds, either. 

In addition, only a licensed rehabber is legally permitted to treat a fox with mange in Virginia.

Typically, if a fawn is crying, begging or showing other signs of distress, it would need help. However, a law that took effect May 1, 2023 in Arlington, Fairfax, and several other counties prevents any rehabber from taking in a baby deer because of the potential of spreading Chronic Wasting Disease, Wilder said. More information about Chronic Wasting Disease can be found at: Wildlife Center of Virginia. Note also that adult deer cannot be rehabilitated anywhere in Virginia.

Citizens can’t kill or trap wildlife without a license, either, although they can trap wildlife on their own property—they are just not allowed to relocate it. They can’t transport wildlife across state lines unless it’s a bird, and it’s illegal to keep wildlife as pets. However, a Good Samaritan law allows citizens to capture and transport wildlife to receive care, provided they have received permission from a veterinarian or a rehabber first, Wilder said.

The Wildlife Rescue League and the Animal Welfare League of Arlington welcome support for their wildlife rescue and rehabilitation efforts, Wilder said. Consider becoming a wildlife rehabilitator, care provider, or transporter!   

Join the 2023 City Nature Challenge, April 28-May 1!

by Caroline Haynes

Mark your calendars for April 28 through May 1 to participate in the 2023 City Nature Challenge (CNC). Join your friends, family, and neighbors in this fun annual nature event.

What is the City Nature Challenge?

The CNC encourages interest in discovering urban nature by having individuals observe, record, and identify the nature around them. It celebrates and supports two vital functions of citizen science: bringing members of the community together to enhance their appreciation of nature, and providing scientists with valuable data on biodiversity that can help guide the understanding and preservation of our natural resources. The event started out as a friendly competition between Los Angeles and San Francisco in 2016 to document urban nature using iNaturalist, a free app and website that allows individuals to easily upload, share, and identify species. It has expanded to over 450 cities in 40 countries this year. ARMN is helping to organize participation in the “City Nature Challenge DC,” encompassing the entire DC metro area, and then some: 14 counties in Virginia, 5 counties in Maryland and Jefferson County in West Virginia. We urge all people in these areas to participate. It’s easy to do and fun for folks of all ages!

Plant NOVA Natives video on the 2023 City Nature Challenge.

ARMN has participated in the challenge since 2017. In 2022, out of the world-wide competition, the DC metropolitan area came in first in the number of identifiers, second in the number of observers, fifth in the number of observations, and seventh in the number of species identified. We’re hoping to build on that incredible record again this year!

Who can participate and where?

ARMN is supporting a wide variety of observation events in Arlington, Alexandria, Falls Church and Fairfax County (link to events provided below). There are plenty of locations and times to choose from if you want to work with a group, or you can just go out and explore and make observation in your favorite park in any of the above-noted areas. Invite your friends and families and neighbors to become citizen scientists and participate; all ages and levels of expertise are welcome. The more eyes the better on the ground, in shrubs, trees, streams, the sky—in other words, everywhere around you in nature. Join the fun, and contribute to the collection of data, to see which “city” can engage the most participants, make the most observations and identify the most species.

Where to learn more and sign up

Logo for California Academy of Sciences and Natural History Museum of LA County

Phenology: Timing Nature’s Clock  

by Rosemary Jann

Spring came unusually early to the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic this year, including here in Arlington. Many of us have been delighted to see trees, shrubs, and plants emerging early all over our area because of our unseasonably warm winter. 

For scientists who study phenology, these seasonal variations hold a more specific significance.

Phenology studies the timing of recurring life cycle phases in plants and animals and their relationship to weather and climate: when leaf or flower buds break, when insects hatch, when birds start to nest or fruit starts to form. Maintained over multiple years, phenological data can contribute to prediction models that influence decision-making in many fields.

Phenological trends can help determine the best time to plant crops or to treat for insects that damage them. They can predict when flowers are likely to bloom and thus when allergy season is likely to peak, or the best dates for scheduling events like Washington’s Cherry Blossom Festival. Phenological data can help scientists identify the drivers of environmental change and project future trends.

One of the most significant uses for phenological data lies in demonstrating the effects of climate change. “Changes in phenological events like flowering and animal migration are among the most sensitive biological responses to climate change,” according to the USA National Phenology Network (NPN). 

Of particular concern is accumulating evidence that rapid climate change is producing mismatches in phenological events that have negative impacts on animals. The chart below, for instance, depicts what happens when caterpillars hatch before migrating birds are ready to feed the nestlings that need those caterpillars to survive. 

From:“Migratory bird phenology,” by Nadiah Pardede Kristensen.

The NPN was established in 2007 to collect, store, collate, and share phenological data. Since then, it has accumulated more than 30 million individual observation records from over 15 million observers, many of them citizen scientist volunteers who log their data through the NPN’s online tool, Nature’s Notebook. The NPN database currently includes records for more than 1750 species of plants and animals found across the United States.

Volunteer observers for plants follow the NPN’s list of standardized life cycle events or “phenophases” for specific individual specimens, like breaking leaf buds for a tree or open flowers on a perennial. The goal of observation is not necessarily to establish the exact date that buds break but rather through regular weekly monitoring over multiple years to help track trends in the overall timing of onset, duration, and intensity of phenophases in particular species and places.  

In 2022, a team of 10 ARMN members began our own multiyear citizen science project to study local phenology at three sites: Arlington Central Library, Marcey Road Park, and Potomac Overlook Regional Park. The project selected plant species from some of Nature’s Notebook’s special regional campaigns in order to maximize the usefulness of our data for scientists and decision makers. Nature’s Notebook’s “Green Wave” campaign targets leaf break and color change in oaks, maples, and poplars to help model the ways climate change is affecting deciduous trees. Also, “Nectar Connectors” studies the availability of nectar for monarch butterflies and other pollinator insects by tracking flower bloom in a selection of common nectar plants like the milkweeds, cardinal flowers, and buttonbushes that the phenology project is monitoring. The beauty of the Eastern redbud tree has made it a ubiquitous landscaping plant across the eastern United States. The new  “Redbud Phenology Project” will track flowering and fruiting to determine the effects of latitude, elevation, and climate on redbud phenology. 

In addition to contributing to these national campaigns, the ARMN phenology project also hopes to produce information to educate our local constituencies about the effects of climate change. Watch this space for more information about our results later this year.

Acer rubrum (red maple) flowers by Celia Cuomo, CC-BY-NC-SA; Nature’s Notebook data sheet for deciduous tree or shrub.

The National Phenology Network welcomes volunteer observers, and your own front yard or local park could become an observation site. Nature’s Notebook provides all the information you need to get started, including a “how to observe” course. Sign up for an account, register your site, choose your plants or animals, and you’re ready to start monitoring through their mobile phone app or the Nature’s Notebook website. Join the thousands of citizen scientists who are advancing our understanding of climate change through the National Phenology Network!

ARMN Winter Book Share: Food for the Body, Mind, and Spirit!

Text by Lori Bowes; photos by Rodney Olsen

Once or twice a year for the past decade, ARMN members and friends who enjoy nature writings meet at a local restaurant for a Book Share event. In February, we met in the Ballston Quarter food court where everyone could select their own lunch. Most people opted to patronize Maizal, a Latin street food vendor that “serves up a fresh take on one of South America’s most coveted street foods, the arepa.” The savory food was a perfect accompaniment to our conversation about enriching books. 

Photo shows a group of volunteers around a table piled with books.
Marion Flynn (l), Lori Bowes (r), and other book lovers enjoy discussing nature-related books at the ARMN Winter Book Share.

The event proved a nice opportunity to reconnect with local naturalist friends and catch up on one another’s projects, while being enticed by some new publications. The materials that people shared were diverse, including articles, science essays, nonfiction environmental books, historical nature fiction and even a podcast.

Photo shows three volunteers. One holds up a book while two others look on.
Joanne Hutton (l) listened as her husband, Powell Hutton (r), talks about the impactful book, The Ends of the World: Volcanic Apocalypses, Lethal Oceans, and Our Quest to Understand Earth’s Past Mass Extinctions.

For example, Powell Hutton talked about The Ends of the World: Volcanic Apocalypses, Lethal Oceans, and Our Quest to Understand Earth’s Past Mass Extinctions, a 2017 book by science journalist Peter Brannan about the current sixth mass extinction in the context of Earth’s past mass extinctions and the evidence for their causes.

Photo of a volunteer holding up a book
Margaret Chatham discusses the book, Journal of Garden History: An International Quarterly 16(1) January-March 1996: Bartram’s Garden Catalogue of North American Plants, 1783.

Margaret Chatham shared her impressions of a wonderful classic: Journal of Garden History: An International Quarterly 16(1) January-March 1996: Bartram’s Garden Catalogue of North American Plants, 1783.

Jill Barker introduced the historical fiction book, The Island of Missing Trees by novelist, Elif Shafak. It’s described in a Harvard Review as including a “prominent fig-tree narrator, who brings her own arboreal expertise into the story,” an ideal vantage point for Master Naturalists.

And I recommended a podcast entitled, “The Science of Birds: A lighthearted exploration of bird biology.” With more than 70 episodes available to date, it promises a fascinating listening and learning experience about nearly all aspects of bird biology.

Does a book share event sound interesting to you? Keep an eye on the ARMN list-serv or subscribe to the ARMN newsletter to find out when the next one will take place. Anyone with an interest in nature is welcome. We hope to see you at a future Book Share event!

The works shared during the February 2023 meetup included:

  • Teaching the Trees, Lessons from the Forest, by Joan Maloof, 2010
  • Oaxaca Journal, by Oliver Sacks, 2012
  • Journal of Garden History: An International Quarterly 16(1) January-March 1996: Bartram’s Garden Catalogue of North American Plants, 1783
  • The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration into the World of Consciousness, by Sy Montgomery, 2015
  • The Ends of the World: Volcanic Apocalypses, Lethal Oceans, and Our Quest to Understand Earth’s Past Mass Extinctions, by Peter Brannan, 2017.
  • Entangled Life: How Fungi Make our Worlds, Change our Minds, and Shape our Futures, by Merlin Sheldrake, 2020
  • The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt’s New World, by Andrea Wulf, 2015
  • An Immense World: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us, by Ed Yong, 2022
  • I Contain Multitudes: the Microbes Within Us and a Grander View of Life, by Ed Yong, 2016
  • “Smart Plants” by David Haskell in Scientific American,  
  • Fen, Bog, and Swamp: A Short History of Peatland Destruction and its Role in Climate Change, by Annie Prioux, 2022
  • Seed to Seed, by Nicholas Harberd, 2008
  • Anything written by Bernd Heinrich
  • The Shepherd’s Life: Modern Dispatches from an Ancient Landscape, by James Rebanks, 2015
  • The Rise and Reign of the Mammals: A New History, from the Shadow of the Dinosaurs to Us, by Steve Brusatte, 2022
  • Saving the Wild South: The Fight for Native Plants on the Brink of Extinction, by Georganne Eubanks, 2021
  • Bird Brother: A Falconer’s Journey and the Healing Power of Wildlife, by Rodney Stotts, 2022
  • Ways of Being: Animals, Plants, Machines: The Search for Planetary Intelligence, by James Bridle, 2022
  • Ministry for the Future, a novel by Kim Stanley Robinson, 2020
  • The Island of Missing Trees, a novel byt Elif Shafak, 2021
  • The podcast, “The Science of Birds: A lighthearted exploration of bird biology.”